Albuquerque – Caesar of the East

Selected texts by Afonso de Albuquerque and his son.

Of all the remarkable people who first opened up the rest of the world Europeans – Clumbus, Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Pizarro and Cortes – Afonso de Albuquerque, gouvernor of Portuguese India from 1509 to 1515, was one of the most astonishing. He was a commander of bold strategic concetions, far-sighted administrator and in addition a talented writer, whose dispatches to King Manuel contain a wealth of spontaneous narrative, discrition and pungent comment. (da contracapa).

Edited and Translated with an Introduction & Notes by T. F. Earl & Johnn Villiers.

Aris & – Warminster – England. 1990. 308 Págs. broch. Ilustrado.

Língua: Inglês. Usado.

25. €