Tag: Sessões públicas

  • Climáximo na Universidade de Verão “The Future is Ours to Reclaim” – Ljubljana

    O Climáximo esteve presente na Universidade de Verão “The Future is Ours to Reclaim” organizada pela Transform Europe e The Left, em Ljubljana de 6 a 9 de Julho. Fomos convidados a dar dois workshops acerca de como montar campanhas de sucesso e sobre ferramentas de campanhas, em conjunto com outras organizações. A Universidade de…

  • Climáximo no Gastivists Gathering 2023 – Hungria

    Entre os dias 21 e 25 de Junho, o Climáximo esteve no encontro organizado por Gastivists na Hungria, cujo objectivo principal foi conectar ativistas de diferentes contextos Europeus na luta contra o gás fóssil. Estiveram presentes cerca de 50 pessoas vindas da Alemanha, Áustria, Bélgica, Chipre, Croácia, Espanha, Grécia, Holanda, Itália, Macedónia, Noruega, Polónia, Portugal,…

  • 15 July | Daring It – A strategy proposition for the climate justice movement

    We need a leap. We are aware that the governments and the corporations are pushing us to climate collapse. How dare them? We also feel that our own strategies would send us to the same climate collapse but maybe a couple of years later. How dare we? If you share our feelings and if you’d…

  • 5 July | H2Med: The Greenwash pipeline to save the gas industry

    Someone told us that they want to build a giant Hydrogen pipeline from Portugal to Germany, crossing Spain and France, but it seems rather odd that this is the very similar to the previous MidCat fossil gas project. Is it the same thing? Is it for 100% hydrogen like they claim in so many places?…

  • 5 July | Handbrake to Stop Climate Collapse

    This presentation is about connecting two dots: 1) capitalism is the main cause of the climate and social crisis and 2) the climate emergency, means action must be taken now. The logical conclusion is that we need to dismantle capitalism in the short term. Our proposition is to go beyond campaigning and build a theory…

  • 29 Junho | O Gasoduto Camuflado de Verde

    O gasoduto camuflado de verde – 29 Junho, 21h online – inscreve-te! Há um projeto que dá por vários nomes: Corredor de Energia Verde, CelZa, H2Med, Corredor International de Hidrogénio Verde. O objetivo da proposta é que se faça um gasoduto que transporte hidrogénio desde Celorico da Beira até Zamora, em Espanha. Agora é-nos apresentado…

  • 24 June | Daring It – A strategy proposition for the climate justice movement

    We need a leap. We are aware that the governments and the corporations are pushing us to climate collapse. How dare them? We also feel that our own strategies would send us to the same climate collapse but maybe a couple of years later. How dare we? If you share our feelings and if you’d…